I AM a Great Writer!
This sticky note sits on my laptop 24/7. Besides it being an affirmation for me, for the first time in my life I actually believe it........
When I was little I wanted to be a song writer like Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds. I use to always hear how great of a songwriter Babyface was. I would take the books that were in his cd cases and read the lyrics to teach myself how to write songs. I would practice writing songs which turned into poems because I couldn't play an instrument to put music with it. Eventually, I started writing those poems to get girls lol. I was 13 years old when it first worked and from there I would always get compliments on how good of a poet I was. I also dabbled with journalism while in high school my senior year and wrote one article for the school newspaper. I remember the journalism teacher complimenting me several times on how great of an article it was, but I had no confidence in myself, so I didn't pay it any attention....... I then thought I would be a famous poet until I was told by a Pulitzer Prize winning columnist and author, "if you aren't Maya Angelou you'll never make a living as a poet." So, that ended that dream lol. While in college and suffering from depression, I was looking at him as a possible mentor to become a journalist. At the time I was maybe 19 or 20 and I was searching for my purpose, but after that rejection, I didn't care about writing anymore and looked for something else to pursue.
I always knew I was very good at expressing myself and my feelings better in writing than speaking. Knowing this though I still had no confidence in doing it. I always found something wrong with my writing or compared it to another. I was afraid of rejection or afraid to fight through it if I would receive it. I was searching and asking God for my purpose and talent/gift, but never seeing writing as one. I've always had ideas of books, movies, songs, poems, etc. to write, but was always afraid. My depression limited me severely to the point where I wouldn't write at all.
With it being a year since starting this blog, you can see that's all changed. Sitting at home unemployed on my 35th birthday, my mom said she was getting me a laptop. I was thinking to myself, "what do I need a laptop for? "I'm not going to use it." Well, that was a stretch lol. God had other plans, that I wasn't aware of lol. This blog has reignited my love and passion for writing. It's a form of therapy, healing, and meditation for me to release energy, feelings, and express thoughts. I AM nourishing my talent/gift. I AM a Great Writer! No one can convince me otherwise. I continue to get recognition for my writing and have been offered other opportunities because of it. I now understand you must nourish your talents/gifts by using them. You must also celebrate them by affirming who you are every chance you get. I AM Great at a lot things. Today, I AM going to celebrate myself as a Great Writer. I ask that you do the same with your talents/gifts. Celebrate and affirm yourself! I AM.....
Derek M. Silver